Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest (Explained)

Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest

What is Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest Principle?

The principle Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest states that the group or organizational objective should be given priority over the individual employee’s objectives.

It emphasizes individual objectives should be given second priority and organizational objectives first.

This management principle aims to establish a cordial balance between individual interest and organizational interest.

When this is done, it leads to a better relationship between employees & management, employee satisfaction increases, productivity goes up, and harmony is achieved in the organization.

Every employee joins an organization to accomplish his/her certain goals & objectives.

They are self-motivated to the attainment of their goals.

The problem arises when employees’ objectives do not match with organizational objectives.

It makes them demotivated and productive reduced.

But when employees’ objectives match with the organization everything works as it should.

Thus it is the prime duty of the manager to reconcile individual objectives with organizational objectives.

Thus this principle assumes that the organization is a group or social unit the group goals should be given priority over individuals.

It is a fact that we also work more for someone when our interests are fulfilled along with theirs.

In addition, the manager may also identify and group employees having similar objectives and assign them particular duties. This might further motivate them to give their best.

Hence, at the core of this principle, if a group or organizational objective is achieved individual employees’ objectives should also be achieved.

Related: 14 Principles of Management

Advantages of this principle:

  • Employee satisfaction may increase.
  • Better relations between management and employees.
  • Employee motivation and improvement of overall performance.
  • Harmony may be achieved in the organization.
  • Helps in the achievement of organizational goals.

Results of avoiding this principle:

  • Employees may not give their best efforts.
  • Conflicts may arise between management and employees.
  • Employee turnover may increase since employees’ objectives are ignored.
  • Difficulty in the attainment of goals.

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