10 Importance of Motivation in the Organization [explained]

Importance of Motivation

Importance of Motivation

Why motivation is important? Motivation is important for organizational success.

The following are 10 points that explain the importance of motivation for workplace success.

Motivated Employees

The importance of motivation is that it helps to motivate people.

It is obvious that motivated employees always give their optimum efforts – this is essential to increase productivity and ensure goal achievement.

As a manager, you should be able to understand the motivating factors of employees and apply different monetary and non-monetary tools to motivate them.

Improved Productivity

Motivation is an important management tool to fulfill the needs of employees which keeps employees motivated.

Such motivation in employees increases their working efficiency.

This further enhances employees’ ability, potentiality, efficiency, etc. to use resources optimally which results in both increased production and productivity.

Develops Positive Attitude

Attitudes of employees toward the organization they work for have a significant impact on the success and failure of the organization.

Employees who have a favorable attitude toward their organization are intrinsically willing to achieve organizational goals.

On the other hand, when employees have a negative attitude, they are not actively involved in organizational activities.

In addition, positive employees give priority to organizational goals over their personal goals and they also influence others toward the positivity of the workplace.

Stable Workforce

A motivated and stable workforce is the potential for organizational success. Motivation has a crucial role in making a stable workforce.

It is common when employees are unmotivated or dissatisfied they tend to leave the workplace to find better opportunities.

But, when employees are motivated and happy with the existing structure of the organization they tend to stay longer.

This increases the stability of the workforce.

Optimal Use of Resources

The best utilization of organizational resources depends upon the employees.

As such, when employees are motivated they best utilize the resources. This increases the potential of getting better results from the available resources.

Further, because of the optimal utilization of resources, such employees get maximum satisfaction even from minimum resources.

Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover

If employees are positively motivated, they are satisfied with the management and the whole organization.

Such employees do not want to be absent from jobs and to leave the job. They work in the organization for a long time.

On the other hand, if employees are not motivated, they do not get job satisfaction. They are always in search of new jobs and organizations.

Because of this, job absenteeism and turnover remain high. Such circumstances create problems in the organization and reduce the chance of achieving desired goals.

Remedy For Change

Change in an organization is desirable to fit in the changing business settings.

For this, changing in existing organizational structure, job positions, responsibilities, authorities, etc. is necessary.

But the situation is, that most employees resist the change because of their attachment to their existing work, comfort, or position.

Motivation is an important tool through which managers can change the behavior of employees to manage change.

Minimizes Dispute

The importance of motivation is that it also reduces disputes in the workplace.

It is an important tool that enables coordination and harmony between the management and employees. It helps to minimize misunderstandings and disputes between managers and workers.

Further, it enhances the relationship between them.

Related: Strategies To Overcome Resistance To Change

Reduced Supervision

When employees are motivated they do the given work themselves.

Meaning that a sense of self-responsibility is developed among them and they perform work smoothly.

For such employees, only guidance and timely suggestions are sufficient.

As such, regular and close supervision is not required for such employees.

Ensures Goal Achievement

The main goal of the motivation function of management is to ensure the achievement of organizational goals.

All the above-mentioned importance of motivation – Motivated Employees, Improved Productivity, Develops Positive Attitude, Stable Workforce, Optimal Use of Resources, Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover, Remedy For Change, Minimizes Dispute, etc. are supportive to the realization of the goals of the organization.

Read Next: Strategies To Motivate Employees


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