difference between product and service

Product Vs. Service – 6 Key Differences [Explained]

Product Vs. Service Usually, the tangible item is called the product, and an intangible item is a service. The products and services are the core concepts of marketing. In fact, both products and services are the same. Here is how – traditionally products and services are treated differently. But the modern marketing concept suggests that…


What is Pricing? Definition, Importance, Strategies, and Affecting Factors

For every product we buy, we have to pay some prices. The price is the main factor for determining the value of the product or service. Pricing determines the prices for the products or services. So, what is the pricing? Let’s understand what it is, its objective, importance, and strategies. What is Pricing? Pricing is…

Difference between product mix and product line

Product Mix Vs. Product Line – 6 Key Differences [Explained]

Product Mix Vs. Product Line Product mix and product line are two marketing terms that define the products a company produces and have. Product line on the one hand refers to the group of similar products marketed and sold by a single brand. On the other hand, the product mix refers to all product lines…

Product Mix

What is Product Mix? Definition, Dimensions, Strategies, and Examples

What is Product Mix? A product mix is the set of all product lines and items that a particular brand sells. It is also called product assortment or product portfolio. The product mix is the entire collection of product lines and items offered by an organization. In simple words, it is all the products that…

Product Line

What is a Product Line? Definition, Decisions, Importance, and Examples

A company can not succeed in the long run if it sells only one product and does not make additional changes and modifications to the product. For this companies need to adopt the product line, which is a strategy for businesses to introduce groups of similar products targeting the same audience with differences in price,…

objectives of packaging

9 Objectives of Packaging [Explained]

Objectives of Packaging Packaging is the process of covering a product with protective materials. The following are the main objectives of packaging. Protection The finished product itself is not safe until it is protected with some protective materials. For example, right after the production of the biscuit, you can not transfer it to another place…

Concepts of a product

4 Concepts of a Product: Physical, Service, Augmented, and Total Concept

Concepts of a Product There are four concepts of a product in marketing namely – physical concept, service concept, augmented concept, and total product concept. Do not be confused with the product concept of marketing. It explains a philosophy that consumers prefer those products that have the highest performance, quality, and durability. Here, we are…

difference between consumer and industrial product

Consumer Vs. Industrial Products: 8 Key Differences [Explained]

Consumer Product Vs. Industrial Product The main difference between consumer and industrial product lies is that the purpose for which the product is purchased. Consumer products and industrial products are two types of products found in the market. Consumer product on one hand is a product that satisfies the immediate need and wants of individual…

Industrial Product

What is an Industrial Product? Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Examples

What is an Industrial Product? An industrial product is a type of product purchased by a business firm for consumption, rendering services, or reselling purposes. Industrial products are also called business products. Industrial products can not be directly used by consumers, these products need to be processed to be able to use by end consumers….