Principles of Quality Management

7 Principles of Quality Management [Explained]

Principles of Quality Management Since ISO i.e. international standard of Organization, 9001 has been established around the world different experts have suggested 7 key principles for better organizational performance. ISO 9001 is a catchy name for measuring the quality of an organization’s products. Let’s discuss these principles of quality management one by one. Customer Focus…

Quality Management

What is Quality Management? Definition, Components, Principles, and Importance

What is Quality Management? Quality management is a process of planning and managing quality standards in the organization. It includes overseeing all organizational activities to maintain the desired level of product or service quality. It is a management tool that focuses on both service and product qualities and how to achieve them. It is achieved…

Product Quality

What is Quality? Definition, Dimensions, Importance, and Factors Affecting

What is Quality? Quality refers to the ability of the product or service to satisfy customer expectations and needs. It is judged by comparing the product with other similar products. Quality is a vague concept. It is subjective in nature. Every person has their own definition of quality. It is the perception of people toward…

tips to manage control in organization

How To Manage Control In an Organization: 7 Strategies For It

Tips To Manage Control In Organization Managers must maintain an effective control system from the beginning. The control system must be integrated with planning that will help to implement the plan effectively. There will be no problem in controlling if the plan is flexible, accurate, and timely prepared, and objectives are clearly stated. Managers may…

Barriers to Controlling

8 Potential Barriers To Controlling in the Workplace

Potential Barriers To Controlling Controlling is an indispensable function as it is essential to all areas of management but it can not be free from defects. A manager may face various problems while introducing and practicing a controlling system. Here are some potential barriers managers may face during the controlling process in an organization. Over…

Effective Control System

12 Characteristics of an Effective Control System

Characteristics of Effective Control System A control system is effective when it is able to manage an organization’s activities according to planned ones. An effective control system ensures the achievement of the company’s goals as outlined standards. The following are notable characteristics or features of effective control systems. They are: Suitability The control system needs…

process of controlling

Process of Controlling Function of Management

Process of Controlling The controlling process includes a series of steps, from setting standards, measuring performance, finding causes of deviation, and taking corrective actions. Controlling is an important management function to ensure the achievement of organizational desired goals as planned. The following five (5) are the main steps in the controlling process for making controlling…

characteristics of controlling

9 Characteristics of Controlling Function of Management

Characteristics of Controlling Controlling is a function of management. It is a process of making sure that organizations’ actions and activities are in the right direction where they should be in order to achieve the desired goals. Controlling includes the setting of standards i.e. desired outputs, measuring the actual performance with the standards, and initiating…