Resistance to Change

What is Resistance to Change? Definition, Types, Causes, and Ways To Overcome

What is Resistance To Change? When people i.e. employees opposed to changes presented by the organization it is called resistance to change. Such opposing behaviors of employees bring difficulty in implementing change in the organization. Employees usually, oppose changes in two ways. One is through the overt way by showing immediate actions to the change…

Forces of Organizational Change

Forces of Organizational Change: Internal and External

Forces of Organizational Change Organizational change is an important step a business organization takes to change its existing working system in order to meet the current demands of the market. Forces or factors that make organizations take organizational change are external and internal. Every business organization establishes, runs, and grows in the changing business environment….

Process of Planned Change

The 8-Step Process of Planned Change [Explained]

Process of Planned Change The planned change includes a thoughtful change in the organization’s functioning systems to meet the changing demands of the business environment. The following eight are the main steps for the successful implementation of the planned change process. Recognize the Need for Change In the first step of planned change, you should…

Planned Change

What is Planned Change? Definition, Process, and Importance

What is Planned Change? Planned change is a process in which an organization prepares itself to make changes in its plans, goals, policies, or strategies for new strategic operations. It is a deliberate action organizations take to stand out in the market. Change is inevitable in an organization’s lifecycle, it is a deliberate action rather…

Organizational Change

What is Organizational Change? Definition, Types, Reasons, and Ways To Overcome

What is Organizational Change? Organizational change is a process through which an organization changes its activities to outperform in the changing business environment. The changes may be in its culture, technologies, infrastructure, personnel, strategies, and so on. Change is necessary but it is not easy. Organizations operate in changing business settings. Static business strategies would…

Deming's 14 Points

Deming’s 14 Points For Quality Management [Explained]

What Are Deming’s 14 Points? Deming’s 14 points are the measures to improve and manage the quality of products and services. It is W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993), an American engineer, professor, and author who suggested these fourteen points. These points are also popularly known as principles or techniques of Deming management. These principles are key…

PDCA Cycle

What is Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle? Definition, Steps, and Pros/Cons

What is PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle? PDCA cycle is a process of continuously improving people, processes, and products. It includes continuously reviewing processes and activities to reduce or eliminate problems to improve business performance. PDCA was first proposed by Walter A. Shewhart and later it was popularized by Edward Deming during post-World War II. As such,…

Deming Management

What is Deming Management? Definition, Features, Principles, and Cycle

What is Deming Management? Edward Deming, a US citizen, and professor, is regarded as the father of the new industrial age. Deming management is the application of his principles in the field of quality control. Deming’s approach is directed toward reviving the production system by making it more responsive to people, more democratic, and more…

Total Quality Management

What is TQM? Definition, Principles, Techniques, and Pros/Cons

What is Total Quality Management (TQM)? Total quality management (TQM) is a strategic commitment of top-level management and implementing continuous improvement in the quality of products or services to meet the requirements of customers. TQM aims to make involved all the organizational members provide quality products consistently. Generally, quality is subjective in nature. As per…