Order Principle of Management

Order Principle of Management (Explained)

Order Principle The order principle of management states that there should be a right place for everything in the organization whether it is materials or people. This principle’s main theme is “a proper place for everything, and everything should be in the proper place.” Maintaining proper order of every organization’s elements is essential to get…

Scalar Chain Principle

Scalar Chain Principle of Management (Explained)

Principle of Scalar Chain The principle of scalar chain refers to an unbroken line of authority from top-to-bottom or bottom to top that ensures effective follow of information in the organization. To this principle, in the organization, there should be a clear path or specific chain for communication. The chain defines the path through which…

Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest

Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest (Explained)

Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest Principle The principle Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest states that the group or organizational objective should be given priority over the individual employee’s objectives. It emphasizes individual objectives should be given second priority and organizational objectives first. This management principle aims to establish a cordial balance…

Remuneration of Personnel Principle

Remuneration of Personnel Principle of Management (Explained)

Remuneration of Personnel Principle The principle remuneration of personnel states that there should be a fair payment system in the organization. A fair payment system means reasonably aligning work done and payment received. Remuneration means a reward or wage that pays employees to get from their contribution to the organization. This management principle argues that…

Unity of Direction Principle

Unity of Direction Principle of Management (Explained)

Principle of Unity of Direction The principle of unity of direction refers to “One Plan One Head”. Meaning that a group of activities that have a similar objective to achieve should be grouped into one and their direction head should be one. It often makes confusion with the principle of “unity of command” as they…

Unity of Command Principle

Unity of Command Principle of Management (Explained)

Unity of Command Principle The principle of unity of command states that an employee should always get instruction or command from one in charge at a time. This principle of management aims to reduce the confusion of the employee when he receives instructions from many supervisors. This principle believes that no one is capable to…

Discipline Principle of Management

Discipline Principle of Management (Explained)

Discipline Principle The discipline principle of management means respecting the rules and regulations of the organization and behaving the way the organization wants to. Discipline is one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management. Fayol’s emphasized that discipline in the organization is a must for organizational success. Regardless of position, level, or whether he is top…

Authority and Responsibility Principle

Authority and Responsibility Principle of Management (Explained)

Authority and Responsibility Principle Authority and responsibility are two important tools of management yet they are dependent and related to each other. At the core of this principle is that there should be a reasonable balance between given authority and responsibility. Authority is the power that can be used to command, make decisions, and get…

Principles of Management

Henri Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management [Explained]

What are the Principles of Management? Principles of management are the basic guidelines for effectively and efficiently running the organization. They are the essence of management, applicable universally, and are the results of thorough research, observation, and practice. These principles guide managers on how to conduct activities in the workplace according to their responsibility. They…