Participative Management

What is Participative Management? Definition, Features, Levels, Objective, Strategies, & Pros/Cons

It is said that employees are the ones who have actual knowledge of the market, customers, and the outside world of an organization. If so, they can certainly add up valuable information to management decisions. Participative management is one that ensures this – let’s discuss what it is and its different aspects. What is Participative…

Importance of Participative Management

9 Importance of Participative Management in the Organization (Explained)

Importance of Participative Management What is the importance of participative management? Now the concept of participative management is accepted worldwide. Organizations are actively inviting their employees to different decision-making processes. Since it creates a positive and cooperative working environment both employees and the management i.e. organization benefit in many ways. Some of the significance of…

Theories of Management

12 Theories of Management: Classical, Behavioral, and Modern Theories (Explained)

What are Theories of Management? Theories of management are the concepts and guidelines that a manager can use to manage different organizations for successfully running their operations. These theories offer different ways of managing modern organizations. Different management theories have evolved a long time ago and still, scholars are trying to search for new theories…

Contingency Theory

What is Contingency Theory of Management? Definition, Contingency Variables, & Pros/Cons

Do you think one management principle or practice is always applicable to every organizational situation i.e. problem? This contingency theory of management has given us an answer to this question. Let’s see. What is Contingency or Situational Theory of Management? The contingency theory of management holds the belief that the best management practice is situational….

System Theory

What is System Theory of Management? Definition, Components, Features, and Pros/Cons

What is System Theory of Management? System theory of management refers to the goal-oriented mechanism composed of different parts that interact and are interrelated in a way that the collective efforts of all parts are greater than the sum of their individual parts. In simple words, the system theory views an organization as a system…

Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

What is Theory X and Theory Y? Definition, Assumptions, Pros, And Cons

Have you ever thought about how many types of people work in the organization? Are all they motivated to work or do just they come to sit and earn money? To this question, McGregor has given us the answer – he stated there are two types of people i.e. employees in the organization one is…

Decision Theory

What is Decision Theory of Management? Definition and Meaning

What is Decision Theory? The decision theory of management holds the belief that a manager should make rational decisions. A manager involved in the decision-making process should make quality decisions that have a significant impact on managerial effectiveness, organizational efficiency, and productivity which are the basis of organizational success. The decision theory of management was…

human relations theory

What is Human Relations Theory? Definition, History, Experiments, Findings, & Pros/Cons

Suppose you are working in an organization with a rigid structure and you are only viewed as a working machine. Your sentiments, feelings, attitudes, and perceptions are totally ignored. Would you work in such an organization? I think not. To reduce such practices the human relations theory is considered a pioneer and has a great…

Principles of Bureaucracy

Six Principles of Max Weber’s Bureaucracy Theory (Explained)

Principles of Bureaucracy Theory Bureaucracy can be defined as the structure of an organization that has formality and impersonality in its operation. Max Weber as a father of bureaucracy provided us with six different principles that bureaucratic organizations operate on. As a member of the classical movement of management Weber’s goal was to increase the…