Decision Making Conditions

Conditions of Decision-Making: Certainty, Risk, and Uncertainty

Decision Making Conditions When you make any decision how many conditions do you have? Facing different conditions while making a decision whether in personal or professional life is common. Managers in their working tenure make several decisions as per necessity. Sometimes they fully know what they are taking and its outcomes, sometimes they have probable…

Decision Making Approaches

3 Approaches To Decision Making [Explained]

Decision Making Approaches There are different approaches managers can use for decision-making to come to an effective choice in order to achieve desired goals. Generally, there are three approaches to managerial decision making which are mentioned below. The Classical Approach The classical approach to decision-making is also known as a prospective approach since it makes the…

Routine and Basic Decision

What is Routine and Basic Decision? [Explained]

What is Routine and Basic Decision? A decision that is made to continue an organization’s day-to-day operations smoothly is known as a routine decision. And, a basic decision is related to the long-term performance of the organization and concerns about organizational growth and long-term prosperity. Let’s discuss individually the routine and basic decisions. What is…

Individual and Group Decision

What is Individual and Group Decision? [Explained]

What is Individual and Group Decision? In simple language, an individual decision is one that is made by a single person whereas a group decision is one made by more than two people. Based on the participation of people in the decision-making process the types of decisions are two individual and group decisions. Let’s discuss…

Organizational and Personal Decision

What is Organizational and Personal Decision? [Explained]

What is Organizational and Personal Decision? An organizational decision is when a manager makes any decision on behalf of the organization. Whereas, a personal decision is when a manager takes one that does not affect the company’s performance. Let’s discuss individually, the organizational and personal decisions. What is Organizational Decision? An organizational decision can be…

Programmed and Non Programmed Decision

What is Programmed and Non-Programmed Decision? [Explained]

What is Programmed and Non Programmed Decision? A programmed and non-programmed decision are two types of decisions that are categorized on the basis of their frequency of reoccurrence. What is Programmed Decision? A programmed decision is a decision that has a high degree of occurrence in the future. It is repetitive and structured in nature….

Types of Decision Making

10 Types of Decision-Making in Management [Explained]

Types of Decision (Decision Making) Decision-making is a crucial component of management. It is an intellectual art to choose the right option out of many. In organizations, managers have to make several decisions as to needs and situations. The types of decisions or decision-making can be many some major decision types found in the organization…

Characteristics of Decision Making

9 Characteristics/Features of Decision Making [Explained]

Characteristics of Decision Making Decision-making is the rational process in which managers choose the right option out of many which is supportive of organizational goals achievement. The main features/characteristics of decision-making are mentioned below: Goal Oriented Decision-making is a goal-oriented component of management. During the course of the organization, managers have to make decisions considering…