Autocratic and Democratic Leadership

Autocratic Vs. Democratic Leadership: 10 Key Differences [Explained]

Autocratic and Democratic Leadership Autocratic and democratic leadership are two types of leadership based on authority. Both exercise the right to make decisions in the business setting. Where autocratic leadership exercises the sole authority to make decisions. Whereas, democratic leadership includes subordinates or employees while making decisions. In autocratic leadership, the top leader or manager…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership

9 Advantages and 6 Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership [Explained]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership Style Democratic leadership can be defined as a leadership style where the participation of employees in the decision-making process is encouraged. The following are the notable advantages and disadvantages of democratic leadership. Advantages of Democratic Leadership Below are the main pros of the democratic leadership style: More Accurate Decisions…

Democratic Leadership

What is Democratic Leadership Style? Definition, Features, and, Pros/Cons

What is Democratic Leadership? Democratic leadership is a style of leadership in which team members are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process. It is also called participative leadership, shared leadership, and employee-centered leadership. Democratic leaders believe in decentralization and invite their followers to discuss while making decisions. They make decisions with participation, consultation, and…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership

8 Advantages and 7 Disadvantages of the Autocratic Leadership Style [Explained]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership can be defined as a leadership style where an individual leader holds the decision-making power over all organizational members and all activities. He has the sole authority to command, direct, and instruct all the team members. The following are the notable advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership…

Autocratic Leadership

What is Autocratic Leadership? Definition, Features, Types, and, Pros/Cons

What is Autocratic Leadership? Autocratic leadership is a leadership style in which an individual has sole authority to make decisions on all matters of the business. In an organizational setting, the top-level leader enjoys absolute authority by this leadership. Authoritarian leadership, dictatorial leadership, and centralized leadership are synonyms of autocratic leadership. In this, leaders are…


What is Leadership? Definition, Features, Styles, Qualities, and Importance

What is Leadership? Leadership is the art of influencing and motivating the interests of people toward the accomplishment of common goals. In an organizational setting, it is a process of guiding and influencing employees to achieve the set objectives. Leadership more rests on an individual power than his position i.e. authority. It includes making sound…

Functions of Leadership

8 Functions of Leadership in Management [Explained]

Functions of Leadership Leadership is the process of influencing employees to devote their best effort to accomplish the organization’s goals. In a business setting, a manager also has to play leadership roles. The following are the important functions of leadership in the workplace. Goal Determination In establishing the ultimate organizational goal, leadership is crucial. The…

Characteristics of Leadership

10 Characteristics of Leadership Function of Management

Characteristics of Leadership Leadership is the art of influencing and directing peoples’ will, efforts, and abilities toward the achievement of a common objective. The following are the main characteristics/features of leadership. Leaders and Followers The relationship between leaders and followers is the essence of leadership. For leadership to be there must be a leader and…

Delegation of authority and Decentralization

Delegation Vs Decentralization of Authority: 8 Key Differences [Explained]

Delegation of Authority and Decentralization Delegation of authority and decentralization of authority both have some common features. Both describe that the top management should provide proper authority to middle and lower levels to perform the activities more effectively and efficiently. They come into existence because a single manager can not do all the activities of…