McClelland's Theory of Needs

What is McClelland’s Theory of Needs? Definition, Components, and Pros/Cons

What is McClelland’s Theory of Needs? McClelland’s theory of needs explains three needs namely – the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation influence the motivation of people. David Clarence McClelland (1917-1998), an American Psychologist proposed a motivation theory called the need theory. This theory is also commonly known as the…

Equity Theory

What is Equity Theory? Definition, Components, and Pros/Cons

What is Equity Theory of Motivation? The equity theory of motivation explains that people i.e. employees feel motivated when they feel their contribution toward the organization is fairly treated and they get a fair reward for their contribution. The higher the employees perceive fairness in the organization the more they will be motivated and vice…

ERG Theory

What is ERG Theory? Definition, Components, Principle, and Implications

What is ERG Theory of Motivation? The ERG theory of motivation is the recategorized version of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The man behind the ERG motivation model is Clayton Paul Alderfer, an American Psychologist. In this ERG theory, E stands for existence, R stands for relatedness, and G for growth. Like Herzberg and Maslow, Alderfer also focused…

Two Factor Theory

What is Two Factor Theory? Definition, Factors, and Pros/Cons

What is Two Factor Theory? Psychologist Frederick Herzberg extended the work of Maslow and proposed a new motivation theory, popularly known as the Motivation Hygiene theory, two-factor theory, or Herzberg’s motivation theory. He conducted a widely reported motivational study to enquire about the factors that influence the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees on the job….

Expectancy Theory

What is Expectancy Theory? Definition, Elements, Implications, and Limitations

Employees’ motivation depends on their needs or their expectations of the outcome they will get if they hit the target or execute the task. What do you think? Let’s discuss what expectancy theory has to say about it. What is Expectancy Theory? Expectancy theory, also called the expectancy theory of motivation explains that employee motivation…

Maslow and Herzberg Motivation Theory

Motivation Theory of Maslow and Herzberg: Similarities & Differences

Maslow Vs. Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg, both have given important theories of work motivation. Where Maslow’s theory explains human needs form a hierarchy and unsatisfied need is the main activator of human actions or behavior. Whereas, Herzberg’s theory explains two factors in the workplace that influence employees’ motivation and satisfaction,…

Importance of Motivation

10 Importance of Motivation in the Organization [explained]

Importance of Motivation Motivation is important for organizational success. The following are points that explain the importance of motivation for workplace success. Motivated Employees The importance of motivation is that it helps to motivate people. It is obvious that motivated employees always give their optimum efforts – this is essential to increase productivity and ensure…

5 Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The 5 Levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs [Explained]

Have you ever thought human needs follow some hierarchy? Abraham Maslow thought and made this concept popular worldwide which is known as the need hierarchy theory of motivation. What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Abraham Maslow, a human psychologist, developed a motivation theory called the need hierarchy theory. His theory is based on human needs….

12 ways to motivate employees

How To Motivate Employees? 12 Strategies For Success

Strategies To Motivate Employees It is a well-known fact that when employees are motivated the potential for organizational success is high. How to motivate employees – is a critical question for every manager. Every manager must work on motivating their employees to bring their best efforts towards organizational goals. Motivated and satisfied employees are key…