Characteristics of Motivation

9 Characteristics of Motivation in Management

Characteristics of Motivation

Motivation refers to the act of inspiring and influencing people in the organization in a way they are ready to give their optimum effort toward the accomplishment of organizational goals. The following are the main characteristics/features of motivation.

Internal Feeling

Motivation is an internal feeling. It remains within an individual. You can not judge or estimate how much an individual is motivated. It can not be observed directly, it can be observed through the actions of the people.

Influencer of Behavior

Motivation is the means to influence people’s behavior toward something to do or not to do. As a manager, you should be able to influence the behavior of your subordinates and inspire them to make them concentrate more on the given tasks.

Psychological Process

Motivation is a psychological process. It stimulates people’s behavior in order to achieve desired results. To motivate your employees you should be able to understand their motives, needs, or desires.

Since everyone’s motivating and needs factors are different, you should be able to identify them and apply the right motivational tools to motivate them.

Activator of Human Energy, Behavior, or Actions

It is a fact that a motivated individual always does more than he regularly does. Motivation activates and energizes human behavior and actions toward achieving the desired goals. For this, financial and non-financial motivational tools can be used.

Related: Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Motivation

Complex and Unpredictable

Motivation is unexpected and complex. Human desires are limitless and shift with the times and circumstances. A person who is comfortable with an input in the present may not be satisfied with the same input in the future.

Similarly to this, even two people may not have the same motivations driving their actions and resources. As a result, you must be aware of how to effectively inspire subordinates and achieve goals.

Continuous Process

Motivation is a continuous process and continues till the existence of the organization. An employee who is satisfied today may not be satisfied tomorrow.

According to time, needs, situations, etc. as well as when one need satisfies another need emerges. Management has to continuously observe and understand the changing factors and find new techniques and systems to fulfill the changing needs of subordinates.

A Management Function

Motivation is one of the functions of management. Only effective planning, organizing, staffing, or controlling do not bring desired results unless workers or employees are motivated to do so. It has a significant role in the success of the management of a business.

Pervasive in Nature

Motivation is pervasive in nature and is equally desirable to all levels of management. To achieve organizational objectives effectively and efficiently all members of the organization need to be motivated.

A top manager should be self-motivated and able to motivate middle and lower managers. Similarly, subordinate-level managers should be able to motivate first-line managers as well as workers. There should be a spirit of teamwork and group work among the members of the company.

Positive or Negative, as well as, Extrinsic or Intrinsic

Motivation can be negative or positive as well as intrinsic or extrinsic. Positive motivation is based on rewards and incentives and negative motivation is based on punishment.

Similarly, extrinsic motivation is based on external factors that motivate people, whereas, intrinsic motivation arises internally within an individual.

Read Next: How To Motivate Employees?

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